Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Update on Miss Molly

Molly had her ultrasound.
The test almost all but confirms she has Pituitary Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism--i.e.Cushings Diease caused by a tiny tumor on her pituitary gland. Next week she gets the final text to confirm the diagnosis. Good news is this can be treated with medication. The meds are pricey, but her quality of life isn't really affected--she's not in pain, and there are not a whole lot of side effects to the medications.

I had a total breakdown thinking I might lose another dog, just 7 months after losing Maxie.
Dr. Soli reassured me that "we are not there."
Think good thoughts for Tiny Molly and her mom and siblings.

Knitty D


Wendy said...

Thinking good thoughts for Molly.

And, Dr. Soli is the BEST! Love him!


Knitty Delicious said...

Dr Soli RULES! I didn't know you went to him to! Did R get you the scoop on Saturday?

Wendy said...

I have the scoop, and I will be there at 9:30!


Anonymous said...

My love to Molly. Maybe I will have a Cushing's support group with her? Looking forward to Saturday!