Monday, May 09, 2005

an eventful day

Christina 3
Mice 0

Molly 1
Christina 0

So I can't believe I have caught 3 mice in one day. I am buying stock in whomever it is that makes glue traps. I thought little Petey might die when I told him the mice didn't die and that I had to sufficate them by putting them in plastic bags. What is even more funny is me picking up the glue traps with kitchen tongs.

Of course, I am a gimp...but not gimpy enough to type. I'm a gimp because Molly bit me. Trying to break up a fight between Mols and Gus, I took one for the team. See photos...three hours, three xrays and a splint later, I've got three puncture wounds, lots of bruising and some swelling... and a ten day course of antibiotics. Thanks Mols.

Im afraid though that this injury may keep me from my knitting goals!!! What is a knitter to do???

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