Saturday, March 31, 2007
Checking in
Maggie seems to be taking it tough...she misses her sister. She's been even more timid on walks and very clingy with mommy. We are looking forward to grandpa's visit tomorrow to help us get our minds of things.
Thanks to all for your comments and support...SNUGGLE TIME CALLS...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The bridge...
Today, I learned AGAIN that I have the most wonderful, caring, loving group of friends in the world. Thanks to Elizabeth for being with me. Thanks to Trish, for taking Molly to VHUP with me this morning. Thanks to Heather and Meg for the long walk with Gus and Mags tonight. Thanks to Ellen for sitting in the ED waiting room with me. Thanks to Lori, Robin and Wendy for the phone calls and the offers to come hang out with me. Thanks to Jane for calling our vet, Justin, at home. Thanks to Justin, for calling me when you were at home sick.
Special thanks to Dr Daly at VHUP who took wonderful care of Molly and me.
I know Molly is with Maxie, eating all the greenies she wants, patiently waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I will love you always Molly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Accidental MY ASS!
So how does someone (Anna Nicole Smith) who has the following drugs in her system NOT PLAN on dying?
chloral hydrate (sleeping pills)
growth hormones
high doses of B12
the physicians who did not reconcile these medications should/could be held accountable based on the "National Patient Safety Goals..." which, by the way, have been RAMMED down my throat for the last three months while we await JCAHO's appearance. For a woman who had so many "caregivers," they let her down. Truthfully, I think she wanted to be with her son.
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Final Countdown
when I get the day off to go and play
I'll eat crab fries and drink beer
in the middle of the day
Seriously that is all the rhyme and reason I can get out this morning. I'm tired.
It's Monday.
At least Prison Break is on tonight.
Finished the front of the baby sweater for Julie last night. It's cute...reminded myself how much I hate sewing in raglans. Will start the sleeves today in rounds...I anticipate finishing them in the next few days.
I also found the knowknits pouches in the MEDIUM size at the Tangled Web in Chestnut Hill. Of course, I got the "Camo" color. I love it. Picked one up for mom too.
In regards to Stitch and Pitch, June 26th at Citizens Bank Park: Phillies vs. Reds. Craig at LOOP has purchased a block of 50 tickets. If you are interested in joining the group, give him a ringy (we've already taken 15 of the tickets!) 215 893 9939...
That is all for now
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Six Pack
He's such a handsome boy. We love you Murphy.
Gus has discovered he likes to lick Maggie's ears:
Frankly, I don't think Maggie enjoys it much.
Maggie has also been enjoying the snow and ice. Monday night she brought this block of ice in the house with her for shits and giggles. It wasn't funny when she put it in my bed!
Maggie also fell asleep with her nose INSIDE her Grandma's crocs:
Harry and Molly had a meeting of the minds:
As did Luther, Gus and Maggie:

First sign of Spring in my yard...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Progress, Projects and New Acquistions
Here is the progress of my Highland Triangle in Rowan Felted Tweed. I've completed 2 of 6 pattern repeats for the center diamond. Nice pattern and I like the yarn. My only complaint, it breaks REALLY easily. For someone who pulls the yarn pretty tightly this tends to be a problem. Lots of split splicing. I can't wait to roam around the Scottish Highlands in May with this around my shoulders.
Item number 2 for my trip: STR "Emerald Isle" colorway. This pattern is a cute cable-rib from Reynolds new "Soft Sea Wool-Steppin' Out" collection. So, mom has Scottish Highlands and I have Emerald Isle. Perfect. Coke bottles make great props for socks in progress.
I've got about 12 more rounds of the leg to go. I just started these two nights ago. I've been using my knowknits sack and knitting at the bus stop and during rounds. It's perfect. Yesterday Wendy and I had our inaugural park knitting session as we enjoyed the first really warm Spring day. Needless to say, the temp had dropped 30 degrees in 24 hours and tomorrow it is going to snow. Carol's hubby came in at the beginning of knitting circle last night. I grabbed these from him immediately. On the left is sock yarn in colorway "Herb." I think it is so subtle and lovely. On the left is MORE sock yarn, colorway "Feeling Groovy." I'm thinking this yarn would make great gloves. Why am I thinking about gloves? My hyacinth and daffodils are popping up all over the front yard.
Here are Gus and Magpie. If you look at on the right of Miss Maggie you will see a little brownish dot on her white chest. That is one of the spots that met my hair dye last weekend. I didn't realize she had come in to the bathroom and was standing behind me. She took about three hits. Close up its a lovely plum color:FERIA #56. Oh, it looks good on my head too!
And finally, Maggie discovered STR. This is my Sock Club yarn. She also ate the Emerald Isle, but I've already untangled that. I got about halfway through this one last night before I couldn't deal any longer. It's salvegable. She doesn't really EAT the yarn. She just enjoys pulling it out of it's neat center pull ball and making it a tangled mess...bitch.
She's also been enjoying throw pillows and random pieces of paper.
Happy St Patty's to all...Saturday I turn into Christina O'Bach. Tomorrow night: Crab Fries at Chickie and Pete's
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Secret Pal
Thank you so much for my VERy funny ecard this morning! It was a lovely way to start another day at work! And you obviously read my questionaire/blog and know all about the doggies!!!
This is fun already!!!!!!
Secret Pal Virgin that I am!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Dear Anonymous
Wendy and I enjoy doing the podcast...but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember that we both have full time demanding jobs (lawyer and social worker), second jobs (@Rosie's and teaching for Temple U), dogs, friends, families,love lives, volunteer commitments, knitting, traveling, other hobbies, house upkeep and many millions of other things that we do BEFORE we can do the podcast. It just hasn't been a priority for a while and I cannot tell you when it might be. If, in the meantime, you feel like you need to take us off your podcast list, ok. We appreciate that you are a fan---but there is an old proverb that goes something like...Good things come to those who wait.
Seriously, it has taken Wendy and I two weeks to settle on a night to go to Target.
That should give you some sense of how hectic our schedules have become.
PS These are knittyd's feelings. I try to keep active with my blog and know that I've reached out to people through Knitty Delicious and KnittyD and the City.
Wendy was not involved in the content of this post.
Yes, I'm ranting...which I'm not so good at
Monday, March 12, 2007
A couple of things
Will post pictures of her with it when she receives them!
Molly loves the new tv:

and her "Joyhouse B and B" blanket/bed! Thanks Grandpa!
I purchased two knit sacks this weekend at The Tangled Web. Since I am completely consumed with sock knitting, I thought I would give them a try. Verdict: LOVE THEM!!! Perfect for a smaller project like socks, scarves, mittens or maybe a kiddie sweater. Attaches to my bag or belt loop or wrist for portable knitting, which is perfect when waiting for the bus!

As you can see, I went with the Camo Print...very stylish I think.
So I'm making progress on my THIRD attempt at my Rockin Sock Club Sock. I had to go down to zero's, which is killing my hands, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the yarn and the pattern is fun. I did my first short row toe and am now officially obsessed with toe up socks. This toe is amazing and literally appears out of 32 provisionally cast on stitches through the magic of short rows and W&T's.
These are going SO well, that tonight I'm starting a cable/twist pattern in my "emerald isle" STR colorway in anticipation of my trip, which is just two short months from now!
Finally, I don't know when Wendy is going to blog again-you'd have to ask her. Yes, I see her frequently, but I just dont know what is going on with her and her blog. She is flattered that she is missed...and I trust she will be back again perhaps may be the podcast.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Special Edition: Phillie of the Week "VUKE"

Vuke, like his teammate Tug McGraw, died of a brain tumor. They won a World Series together in 1980. He coached for longer than any other coach in Phils history. It was a comfort to see him out there at Third Base. He'll be missed by the team and by the fans.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Scottish Highlands and more
Who's SEXY feet are these????
Mom, FINALLY, sporting her Scottish Highlands Socks that Rock socks!!!
The pattern is Fiber Trends Peak Experience Sock. Doesn't she look SASSY? Even cooler, we will be touring the Scottish Highlands in two short months!
Also, two years ago today, Maggie officially became a Bach Beagle! Happy adoptaversary Magpie!!!!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Entrelac Sock Class
Mom, Wendy and I decided to give them a try today, at a Rosie's sponsored class. The class is actually over the next six weeks, every other Sunday. I knew, after reading the pattern, I was worried about the cast on...a middle eastern cast on.
I was right to be was a took me about 45 mins and 7000 attempts and then, I finally got it...I doubt I will EVER forget it.
Here is the beginning:

and the progress on the toe increases:

and many hours later, the first few tiers of a sock:

But here's the thing...I'm not sure I care about having entrelac my Sock of the Month club shipment came on Friday...
Thoughts? Do I press on or save the koigu for something else...PS isn't it GORGEOUS! The multi arrived at Rosie's on Saturday and I scooped up 7 skeins... yum!
And now...King Tut...Bach Style
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Phillies of the Week: Aaron Rowand, Chase Utley and Jimmy Rollins
But these three are also the heart and soul of my team. They throw the ball, hit the ball and catch the ball with vigor, pizzazz and passion.

Chase Utley: Best Looking in Pinstripes WITH hat on (not so cute with hat off)

Aaron Rowan vs Centerfield Wall

J Roll always gives two thumbs WAY up!
30 days until Opening Day! Dad and I are super's hoping for sun!