Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Maggie is home!

Hi all...sorry I didn't write last night...but it was a long day and quite frankly Mags and I were exhausted. Maggie is home and doing well...
She snuggled right in for a nap with her favorite pillow...Finnegan.

She had no further seizure activity while in the hospital and her tests were totally normal. Neurology and behavior both commented that the prozac she is on for her anxiety can lower her threshold for seizure (not cause it-as likely she was predisposed). However, after talking with the behavior resident Megan (who is awesome!) we decided that Maggie's quality of life is SO improved on the prozac that we are going to continue it and watch for increased/repeat seizure activity. She had lots of fluids and was totally fried when we got home. She got right in bed and snuggled in for a good nap. She and Finney had one round of good play around 9pm before she decided it was time for more beauty rest. She snuggled up on the couch with Finn...it was SO cute. So things are returning to normal-ish. The big behavior mod for me is to make sure she has no access to stairs when I'm not home as a seizure on stairs could cause major injury. So they are safely tucked in to the first floor. Thanks for your good thoughts!


Maggie and her human

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am happy to hear that Maggie is home and doing well! Love the pic of her with Finn :)