Monday, March 03, 2008

March already!

Typically, February has been a tough month for I welcome March with open arms. Indeed I was treated to a nice, warm day today and a walk with the bagels this evening. Finally they are all sleeping soundly and I have some blog time.

Nothing too exciting...except that I feel like I am becoming an event planner in my spare time...between my parent's 40th anniversary party, Heather's shower, my last harrah volunteering for the Oncology Memorial Service at HUP and my "I can't believe I have lived in this house for 10 years party..." this is seemingly all I do! It is fun...picking out invites and menus and favors and the like...

The kids are keeping me busy...Finn continues to grow exponentially...

He is such an amazing dog. I think back to before I adopted him and how nervous I was about making the leap. Now I can't imagine not having him as part of the family. He has finally got the hang of walking on his leash and I think laster this week, depending on the weather, I'll walk him up to the office for his first day at work!

Speaking of dogs in office, here is Gussy hanging out under my desk in my office...

He is settling in while I work...when he wants to play he heads out to the old library and plays with a "stuffie" given to him by my office mate Susan. He also enjoys laying in the sun by the big windows. It will be interesting to see how Finney does.

Maggie seems to be progressing with her behavior modification and medication mgmt of her social anxiety. She is certainly recovering faster when she gets spooked and seems to feel more confident in many situations. She didn't like walking this evening (in the dark)...but now she is spread out across 3/4 of the couch.

I'm pretty focused now on knitting for Heather...lots of stuff on the plate for her...but since she reads the blog, I can't go into it...all I can say is she and little baby boy Klu-Simpson are going to love all of it.

Okay, Intervention is on...and this chick tonight is a big M-E-S-S!

Good week to all!

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