Thanks to Robin, who works in development at Women In Transition for sending me this:
November 16, 2006
Statement by Sue Else, President
National Network to End Domestic Violence regarding the O.J. Simpson book "If I did it"
Twelve years ago, the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman brought the issue of domestic violence from out of the shadows and into the public spotlight. The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is extremely outraged to hear that OJ Simpson intends to release a book detailing how he could have murdered his ex-wife and her friend.
While Simpson was acquitted of their deaths in a criminal trial, he was found liable in a civil trial and ordered to pay restitution to the Brown and Goldman families. To date, Simpson has refused to comply with the court order. NNEDV and domestic violence advocates nationwide are appalled that he is instead attempting to cash in on their gruesome murders.
Even more disturbing is the impact this selfish, arrogant act will undoubtedly have on Nicole's children - Sydney and Justin. They had to endure the grisly murder of their mother and the controversy of the trial against their father. How will they feel knowing that their father is not only profiting from their mother's murder, but he is also offering a morbid, detailed description of how he could have done it?
Three women are murdered every day at the hand of their intimate partners. It is unconscionable to think that Simpson, ReganBooks, HarperCollins Publishers, and FOX would promote a how-to guide for killing your wife. Is their intention to teach abusers how to kill
their wives?
This book has no place in our society and only causes more grief for the Brown and Goldman families and for battered women and children across the country. Our hearts go out to the families being retraumatized by this senseless act of greed.
NNEDV urges the public to take a stand and let FOX, ReganBooks and HarperCollins know that we will not allow them to make abuse and murder acceptable in our communities. We also ask you to contact your local bookstores and FOX advertisers and ask them to remove their support from ReganBooks, HarperCollins and FOX.
Contact numbers to protest the OJ Simpson book may vary by market, but in general you can contact:
News Corp. - 212-852-7000. They own all the Fox channels, magazines, newspapers and Twentieth Century Fox. Rupert Murdoch is the CEO of all of News Corp!
FOX - contact your local FOX station AND the national office - AND (310) 369-3553
Amazon - you can send an email via their website, (no really good way to directly connect with them)
Barnes and Noble - Customer Service Center at 1-800-THE-BOOK (1-800-843-2665).
Borders Books - 1-888-81 BOOKS (1-888- 812-6657)
HarperCollins - 212-207-7000
ReganBooks - 212-207-7000 (a division of HarperCollins)
Think about calling big book retailers like Target, Costco, Wal-Mart (again both local and national office) to ensure they do not carry the book in stores or online (their online book service is provided by Amazon).
As always, thanks for your support and cooperation. Let's see how this plays out...