Monday, August 28, 2006

Christina and Barbara's Emmy Fashion Review-Part 1

Hugh Laurie

White trash meets the emmys : Jean Smart

Is that duct tape she is wearing?

Jennifer Hewitt looks like a giant disco ball

The holy boobie award to Virginia Madsen...oye vegh

1 st runner up for best dressed. Evangeline can wear pretty much any color.

Where is Dominic though?

Hands down, best dressed lady. Katherine took some hints from Charlize and

pulls off this ultra glam gorgeous-ness

Sure, you've been together forever, that doesn't excuse these fashion mistakes...after the show Kyra will wrap Kevin ceremoniously in the extra material of her dress and trade him for chocolate a la Brenda

somebody over did it at the tanning salon : Eva Longoria

Grandma of Apple and Moses sure can clean up nice! : Blythe Danner

its good to see farrah is still using cocaine


Anonymous said...

I was pulling for Hugh Laurie - and not just because he has MY name. I LOVE his show.

What's the deal with Kate and Farrah's noses. They look like they went to Joan Rivers' surgeon.

Christine said...

I don't recognize half of these people. You have to hook us up and put their names and what shows they are on. Is that blond chick Izzie from Grey's Anatomy?

Yeah, I can be clueless when it comes to entertainment things sometimes.