Saturday, December 31, 2005 a few hours

Vacation gets me into a rut of napping...knitting...sleeping...reading...watching get the picture. Sadly, I have to return to reality on Monday (ie Philly) and to that place called work on Tuesday. So, here are my resolutions for 2006

1) Floss. I know this is my resolution EVERY year, but this year, I mean it.

2) De-Clutter. One room per month for the next 8 months. Included in decluttering is coming up with a system for organization and staying decluttered. Simplify...Simplify...Simplify

3) Knit a (successful) lace shawl for Annie's wedding

4) Be a gorgeous (haha), kick ass, graceful bridesmaid to Money and Annie.

As I reflect on 2005, a few things stick out in my mind---here are the ABC's of 2005

a) The re-enactment of the Michael Jackson trial on E!/which was even better in England because they don't censor anything (like the accusers name!) in England.

b) British TV stinks. All the good stuff is on BBC America. Really.

c) My world has changed since traveling overseas.

d) Three beagles is the magic number.

e) I suck at lace knitting (see resolutions above).

f) I am really getting into English Tudor history. Scary. But I did buy the mock chopping block at the Tower of London.

g) I never want to have another dental abscess/emergency root canal/need for Vicodin that involves teeth.

h) I love Baseball. The Phillies made it fun all the way into September, something they haven't done since I've lived in the town. Now if only we could win a championship...

i) Philly with Eagles fever (ie right before the SuperBowl) was CRAZY! I just wish there would have been a parade.

j) I finally PUBLISHED AN ARTICLE! Well, I am not sure if this counts to 2005 as it won't be published until Feb, but I did all the work in 2005. For all interested in a generalized snooze fest, you can find it in the North American Clinics of Anesthesiology special edition on Palliative Care.

k) Yes, my 13 year old cousin REALLY did declare at the breakfast table the other morning, "when did the Pope die?" Seriously. But what struck me about the Pope's death, and the death a few days earlier of Terry Schiavo was the "publicness" of their deaths. Since most American's fear dying alone, I guess they didn't need to worry about that since the entire nation/world was on the death watch for days. It really was a shame.

l) I cannot be a foster mom for BREW. Exhibit 1, Luther. He now lives at the Joyhouse.

m) I hope Maggie is a healthy dog. This year, I dealt with the death of Maxwell, Gus having serious back problems and Molly having Cushings disease. Even if Maggie has "something" I know I can deal with it as a good doggie mom; but I need a break. I'm in the process of joining "Dogster" in hopes of meeting a like minded beagle daddy looking to make a beagle Brady bunch.

n) I love being Auntie Bach.

o) Fall is Cape Cod is the best time of year. I vacationed during this delightful time with my good friends, Jen, Sammy, Alex, Jenni, Cesi, Jules, Tige and AnneMarie. Those, were GOOD TIMES. And man, can Jenni and I cook. I can't believe we didn't gain like 1000 pounds when we lived together all those years ago in the Fairfax...all those "bedsore" nights with Cinci Chili...

p) I may enjoy playing Scrabble, but I suck at it. At least that is what I thought until I discovered my sister CHEATS!

q) Netflix is the greatest thing ever. If only I could send back my movies from July.

r) I miss my girls from knitting circle!

s) I host a damn good knit-a-rama

t) I will never ever again make the "circle of friends" baby blanket. It might have come out nicely, but what a PAIN IN THE ASS. I'll stick to solo projects.

u) The sinuses are a body orifice I could do without. Getting the sinus probe shoved up them is the worst medical procedure ever short of...

v) A cortisone shot in the right shoulder, rendering me unable to move my arm for 2 days. Bursitis my ass.

w) The Philadelphia Parking Authority can KISS MY ASS

x) I love ice cream. We have had an onslot of yummy ice creams choices added to Philly in the past several years; so, here's to, Capogiro, Scoop deVille, Ben and Jerry's and Cold Stone. I remember when my choice was walking to Baskin Robbins at 40th St. Oh the shows Maxie used to put on there while eating his cup of strawberry banana

y) Marathon Matzoh Ball Soup is my current comfort food of choice.

z) The discovery of Omaha Steaks. In what other country can you get fresh cow, pig, lamb etc delivered right to your door, packed in dry ice! I never have to leave my house again!!!

Well, we couldn't go out to eat at the Oyster house tonight (Dad didn't make reservations) so of course we ordered Chinese...I plan on being asleep before the clock strikes midnight. So Happy New Year to all. And please, may the Eagles win just one more game tomorrow.

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