Wednesday, November 23, 2005


"We can only by said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." Thorton Wilder

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I thought I would write about things I'm grateful for

1) The notion that Maxie is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. Even though he is gone, I have wonderful memories of our last Thanksgiving at the JoyHouse. Max ate a motherload of turkey. I hope you are having some tomorrow big guy.

2) Maggie. No she can't/doesn't replace Max, but she is pretty damn cool. I love you Pie.

3) Gus and Molly. The "children of the corn." Thanks for grieving with me. I didn't feel so alone.

4) Sunday night TV especially Dr McDreamy

5) Abby, Justin and Julianna and their parents. Almost all safe arrivals, but happy, healthy babies.

6) The Wynne's. I love being Auntie Bach and that our friendship has grown so much since you became parents. Thanks for letting me be part of the family.

7) Yarn. ('nuff said)

8) My friends. You put up with all my quirks and for that I love you.

9) Dad for being the best dog sitter around

10) Mom for being my favorite travel companion

11) My IPOD for keeping me from hearing all the crazy people on the bus in the morning

12) Allison because you love America's Next Top Model and I love to chat with you about it

13) LOST

14) Cake from Genardi's

15) Luther, Harry and Murphy for being the other three beagle-amigos. Luther, I'm so glad you brought some more energy back to the old men and to mom and dad.

16) My new bed, washer and dryer

17) For some days remembering just why it is I became a social worker (like today)

18) That this is NOT my dog

This is Sam, the World' Ugliest Dog, who died this week at almost 15 years old.

and for these things, and I'm sure there are more, I say


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